Pavel Tůma
Senior Partner, Valuation
Operates in industry: Expert Institute & Valuation
Pavel has been working in the PKF APOGEO Group since 2012, where he successively passed through the positions of Senior Consultant, Manager up to the Executive Director of the Expert Institute. Pavel is part of the business development of the group and he is in charge of the strategic development of relationships with key client segments. Pavel at the same time is responsible for the strategic management of the PKF APOGEO expert institute in the areas of business and real estate valuation specializing in civil and criminal disputes, including the calculation of the amount of damages and immaterial damages. In 2022, Pavel was appointed by the Minister of Justice as a member of the Working Group of Experts for Expert Law. In 2023, he was appointed by the Minister of Justice as a member of the Advisory Board of the Ministry of Justice for the Economy. In 2023, he also became a member of the Expert committee of INVESTIKA, investment company a.s. and a member of the group for cohesive policy within the Union of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic.
In 2015 he was appointed as Partner and now Pavel holds the position of Senior Partner, Valuation. In the past, He was engaged academic, scientific and publishing activities as a member of the Department of Finance and Valuation at the University of Economics in Prague. Since 2010 he has been a member of the Examination Board for the defense of theses at the Institute of Property Valuation. Since 2015 he has been a forensic expert in the field of economics. Since 2017, he has been lecturing to the college of judges within the Judicial Academy. Pavel graduated from the University of Economics in Prague, majoring in financial management.